Space with a whole new inspiration
Utilize creative Media Art Solution to elevate the value of your space.
Moonwalker, curated by Artpoint
Explore innovative Media Art Solution that combines our unrivaled signage with professional content technology.
Subscribe our masterpieces or Build your own media art.

Content subscription service
Enjoy a wide range of artistic pieces at
a reasonable price.
a reasonable price.

Tailored content creation
Own your unique original content that
perfectly fits your space.
perfectly fits your space.

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Content-based licensing subscription service

* This represents only a portion of the art we offer. If you would like to explore more of our art collection, please feel free to contact us.
Our Partners

Visionary creations.
Inspired solutions.
Immersive experiences.
Inspired solutions.
Immersive experiences.
Sensory spatial experiences that blur the boundaries between reality and virtuality.
Build your own media art, from space and media design to content provision and operations, using our in-depth understanding of space and screens.
Build your own media art, from space and media design to content provision and operations, using our in-depth understanding of space and screens.
Business and
space analysis
space analysis

Space design with professional
display technology
display technology

Content proposal